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Computer Architecture – Fall 2020 (227-2210-00L)
Welcome to the wiki for Computer Architecture for Fall 2020
Course Information
Computer architecture is the science and art of selecting and interconnecting hardware components to create a computer that meets functional, performance and cost goals. This course introduces the basic hardware structure of a modern programmable computer, including the basic laws underlying performance evaluation.
We will learn, for example, how to design the control and data path hardware for a MIPS-like processor, how to make machine instructions execute simultaneously through pipelining and simple superscalar execution, and how to design fast memory and storage systems.
The principles presented in the lecture are reinforced in the laboratory through the design and simulation of a register transfer (RT) implementation of a MIPS-like pipelined processor in System Verilog. In addition, we will develop a cycle-accurate simulator of this processor in C, and we will use this simulator to explore processor design options.
Course description page
Piazza (Q&A)
Prerequisites: Digitaltechnik
Lecture Schedule and Location
Staff Information
- Mailing List: (sent to instructor and TAs)
- Office Hours: Find them here