NAPEL: machine-learning-based prediction framework for NMC

Our new paper “NAPEL: Near-Memory Computing Application Performance Prediction via Ensemble Learning”, the first machine-learning-based prediction framework for Near-Memory Computing to be presented at the Design Automation Conference in June is now out:

Gagandeep Singh, Stefano Corda, Geraldo Francisco de Oliveira, Juan Gomez-Luna, Giovanni Mariani, Sander Stujik, Onur Mutlu, and Henk Corporaal, “NAPEL: Near-Memory Computing Application Performance Prediction via Ensemble Learning” Proceedings of the 56th Design Automation Conference (DAC), Las Vegas, NV, USA, June 2019.

We’ve also released Ramulator-PIM, a processing-in-memory simulation framework, used to develop NAPEL:
Source Code:

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