Student Presenter Award at SRC’s TECHCON

Damla Senol just received the “Top 10 Best Student Presenter Award” at the SRC’s TECHCON conference in Austin Texas. She received the award for her presentation of BitMAC: An In-Memory Accelerator for […]

Best Paper Award at DSN 2019!

Congratulations to Minesh Patel, Jeremie Kim, Hasan Hassan, and Onur Mutlu for the Best Paper Award at this year’s IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN)! The DSN Best […]

ACM SIGARCH Maurice Wilkes Award for Onur Mutlu

The 2019 ACM SIGARCH Maurice Wilkes Award goes to Prof. Onur Mutlu for “innovative contributions in efficient and secure DRAM systems.” Onur was honoured this week with the ACM SIGARCH Maurice […]

Minimal Data Movement: Changing the Computing Paradigm

Onur talked at the Design Automation Summer School last week on  “Enabling Computation with Minimal Data Movement: Changing the Computing Paradigm for High Efficiency”.  The talk slides are now online: Slides (pptx) […]

How to Build an Impactful Research Group

What makes a research group impactful?  Onur gave a talk last week at the Design Automation Conference Early Career Workshop in Las Vegas.  His slides are now online: Slides (pptx)

Memory Systems and Memory-Centric Computing Systems Course

Onur‘s course on “Memory Systems and Memory-Centric Computing Systems” taught at the HiPEAC ACACES Summer School 2018 is now online: Take a refresher before the next summer school! […]

From GPGPUs to Processing-in-Memory

Juan Gómez Luna gave a keynote talk on Wednesday 22 May on “From GPGPUs to Processing-in-Memory: High Performance and Energy Efficiency for Computer Vision Workloads” at the British Machine Vision […]

NAPEL: machine-learning-based prediction framework for NMC

Our new paper “NAPEL: Near-Memory Computing Application Performance Prediction via Ensemble Learning”, the first machine-learning-based prediction framework for Near-Memory Computing to be presented at the Design Automation Conference in June […]

RowHammer: causes, solutions, and beyond

Onur discussed root causes and solutions to RowHammer at his talk last week on “RowHammer and Beyond” during the NYU ECE Seminar: [Slides (pptx)] Also check out his new paper with Jeremie Kim: “RowHammer: […]

Chai benchmarks for FPGA just released

We’ve just released the benchmarks for our recent paper: “Analysis and Modeling of Collaborative Execution Strategies for Heterogeneous CPU-FPGA Architectures”,  in collaboration with Prof. Hwu’s IMPACT Research Group: Link […]