The SAFARI Research Group is led by Professor Onur Mutlu.  We are part of the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (D-ITET) at ETH Zurich.

Our group conducts cutting-edge research and education in computer architecture, computing systems, hardware security, bioinformatics, and software/hardware co-design. The major goal is to design fundamentally better computing architectures. Our work spans the boundaries between applications, systems, languages, system software, compilers, and hardware, with architecture at the core. We tackle many fundamental issues in high performance, energy efficiency, hardware security, fault tolerance, predictable systems, dependable systems, hardware/software cooperation, and genome analysis. We are especially excited about novel, fundamentally-secure and fundamentally-efficient computation, communication and memory/storage paradigms. Recent impactful examples of the group’s work include leading research into memory/storage systems and new computing paradigms, e.g., the discovery of the DRAM RowHammer vulnerability and the development of a comprehensive Processing-in-Memory paradigm.

Read our group's contribution to the 2021 D-ITET evaluation report, highlighting our research impact, teaching and key group contributions: SAFARI 2021 D-ITET Evaluation

Bachelor and Master's Theses and Semester Projects 

We are always looking for highly qualified and motivated students and researchers.  If you are an ETH student and are interested in doing a bachelor or master's thesis with us, or a semester project, please see our Theses and Projects page for potential topics.

If you are about to finish your bachelor or master’s degree or are already doing research and are interested in working with us at any level (internship, PhD, postdoc, visiting scholar), please visit our Work with us page.


Join us as ISCA 2021 for our talks

ISCA 2021 Program: Tuesday, June 15 Session 6B: Memory II 12 pm EDT: Lois Orosa, Yaohua Wang, Mohammad Sadrosadati, Jeremie S. Kim, Minesh Patel, Ivan Puddu, Haocong Luo, Kaveh […]

Join us at ASPLOS 2021 online

We are at ASPLOS 2021 this week and next.  Join us for our talks and learn more about our recent works: Session 2: Memory Systems, Monday, April 19 4:00 PM […]