Join us for our upcoming SAFARI Live Seminar.
Speaker: Anish Saxena, Georgia Tech
Date: Monday, June 26 2023, 10:30 Zurich time (CEST)
Where: HG E22 & Livestream on YouTube (Link)
Title: Secure and Scalable Rowhammer Defenses
Rowhammer is a data disturbance error that has become a severe and elusive threat to system security. Over the past decade, the worsening of Rowhammer vulnerability in modern DRAM has resulted in a cat-and-mouse game between Rowhammer attacks and defenses, which we will cover in this talk. We will discuss breakthrough attacks that defeat commercial and proposed defenses. We will then examine state-of-the-art defenses that provide system-wide security against Rowhammer, like AQUA, as well as targeted protection for critical data structures, like PT-Guard. Finally, we will shed light on future Rowhammer research as well as implications of this vulnerability on emerging memory interconnect technologies like CXL.
Anish Saxena is a Computer Science PhD student at Georgia Tech, USA, advised by Prof. Moinuddin Qureshi. His interests lie in computer architecture, hardware security, and datacenter systems. Anish’s works on security includes devising noise-resilient cache side channel attacks and developing defenses for Rowhammer. He has also improved non-inclusive cache policies, analyzed datacenter workloads, and leveraged emerging interconnect technologies like CXL in server design. Anish has collaborated with academic researchers as well as industrial partners at Intel Labs, Micron, Nvidia, and AMD Research through research internships. He completed his undergrad from IIT Kanpur in 2021 and is an Aditya Birla Group Scholar.